Hi I'm Leon and I make really stupid art and have really terrible opinions.
I'm a Hopelessly Bisexual Genderfluid Prick and I draw lame sad queer people a bunch.
Important info about me can be found on my carrd.
Commissions are open, feed me money.

⚣ 𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝 𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐝𝐲. @Godzooky69


Artist || Writer


Joined on 4/20/21

Exp Points:
568 / 710
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> 100,000
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1m 16d

Godzooky69's News

Posted by Godzooky69 - March 29th, 2024

Hi again Newgrounds crowd!

As expected with my account in particular, posts and updates are rare and apologies are often but, I do have some good news! I am going to be uploading a bunch of the art I've been doing over the past couple months with the timed release thingy that they added to the website a little while back.

Also, if it wasn't obvious, I got super into Resident Evil. So I'm planning on drawing a bunch of Resident Evil crap alongside some more Cry of Fear art since last time I drew something for it it was still August haha.

But yeah, I'm still trucking. It's been rough but I'm makin' it work.


Posted by Godzooky69 - January 15th, 2024


I'm so fucking sorry for not being around, life has been freakishly busy for me. Too much work, too many people to keep up with, and not enough time to do art or any other things that I like. Just been very messy for me but I swear I'm still alive.

Hopefully once I get to go to college I'll be able to have a better balance between my work/school life and my art/writing life.

Thanks for understanding! My bad guys



Posted by Godzooky69 - December 4th, 2023

Hey guys, this isn't a super big change but I'm giving myself a new user, I'm just not as attatched to GrimyGrim anymore and I've had that user since I was idk.... 13.... lmao. So yeah, changing it to Godzooky69 since my dad told me about this old Godzilla cartoon and I thought Godzooky was a hilarious fucking name so. That's me now. I am Godzooky. Thas all.

Also I'm saying this for my other platforms, I have to be a fuckin supporter on here to change mine so that's annoying.


Posted by Godzooky69 - November 5th, 2023


Hey everyone, it's Stryker again.

I'm so sorry that I never got to finish Cringetober, October was such a stressful month for me and I had way too much work to do. School has been wearing down on me so fucking much, man. I've had so much work to do and a lot of catching up and honestly it was fun, but Cringetober was adding to that stress so eventually my art just got kinda lazy and bleeeeeehhh idk.

Maybe one day I'll be able to do an October art challenge fully and with minimal stress. But not this year, sorry bout that. Might purge sum of the art since I just don't like how some of it turned out but I'll see.

Speaking of purging and rebranding, regarding my little story REAME [which I haven't had the time or energy to work on and I feel pretty bad about that] I'm planning on doing a redesign of a lot of characters and even a rebrand for the whole story. I want to give it a defined identity finally since for like, YEARS it's just been a mess of cool ideas and cool scenes. Hopefully I can find the time and motivation for that but for now school still exists.

Plus, outside of school mentally I've just been so fucking drained and tired. I haven't been doing all too great but hopefully I'll get better eventually and go back to normal.

But yea, thas it lol. Thx for reading. :P



Posted by Godzooky69 - October 2nd, 2023


Hey guys,

This year I'm gonna be participating in one of those October daily art challenges so I'll be posting almost daily now. I'm gonna be doing Cringetober this month, and I'm so excited for it. ^_^

Also sorry for being a day late, I got a little sick so I wasn't feeling too good to post. Which apologizing ahead of time for my first entry not being that good for the same reasoning LOL.

ALSO also the new Newgrounds update is ... mwa. So good.

But yeah, that's all I wanted to say. :3



Posted by Godzooky69 - August 31st, 2023


Basically rebranding and generally organizing it better, alongside my other socials and whatnot.

Everything I have to show is outdated for my art style and I would like to better showcase my current style more. Everything on here is super cluttered and I don't like how most of my art isn't actually posted, it's making me feel uncomfy for some reason.

But yeah, as expected, school started and it's kicking my ass again so I've been tryna work around it all and figure out how to keep myself sane in this joint.

I've gotten into a lot of new stuff, Cry of Fear is a big one, but yeah. Hopefully I'll find the time to go back to regularly posting on here and everywhere else once I'm organized.

There's a lotta junk I've been too afraid to just archive for some reason LMAO

But yeah that's it from me, see y'all soon again for those of you who read these.



Posted by Godzooky69 - August 5th, 2023

August. Oh Boy.

Hey guys it’s me, a-fuckin-gain.

I’m makin this post to quickly say that I actually have been doing a lot of art lately, I’ve just been really unorderly with it so I gotta organize myself. I’ll be slowly posting all that stuff again so don’t give up hope LMAO.

Also school is approaching and by god i am not ready. I’m going insane dude. I’ll cops but i can feel this next year not being any good for me.

But oh well, what can I do. I’ll keep y’all updated as per usual. Thanks for sticking around. :]


Posted by Godzooky69 - June 10th, 2023


Hello everybody

I’ve been back from Japan since like, the 7th but I needed some time to recover because holy fuck the jet lag is HORRIBLE. Plus, had to finish up some exams I missed the other day so I spent yesterday being a useless blob to recover from that too.

But yeah, I am officially back and will be getting back in business soon. I’ve got a lot planned for the summer and unlike last year hopefully I actually get to it this time lmao.

Shi that’s coming:

  • Gonna be working on a lonnng ass writing project with my buddy Myles. Based off of Disco Elysium lol.
  • Lot’s of writing in general. Been getting a lot of cool ideas.
  • Lot’s of art coming also, specifically concept art and such for my series >:3
  • I’ll be 10x more active and available now that school is off my ass so I’ll be a bit more willing to talk to people and do shit
  • Gonna be playing so many games I never got to play or finish.

Yeah, that’s pretty much it I think.

Sooo uhh I’m pretty excited honestly. Thx for being patient with me for so long y’all even if I don’t have the biggest audience LMAO.

Thx for reading :]



Posted by Godzooky69 - May 23rd, 2023

Hey guys,

Long time no see LMAO

I’ve been SUPER busy recently with finishing up school and planning for my trip to Japan and I’m actually at the airport rn as I type this lol.

Finished school yesterday and I’m so excited to start off my summer with this trip, me and my family have been planning it for years.

But anyway, I’m saying all of this because I’m going to be super mega ultra busy and I’ll be online probably even less, so just a heads up. But from now on though, once this trip is over since schools out I’ll go back to regularly uploading!!

I have a lot of little doodles in store that I haven’t posted yet so stay tuned for that.

Anywho, just thought I should drop that off real quick before I head on out lol.

See y’all soon >:3 !!



Posted by Godzooky69 - April 17th, 2023


Wassup guys.

Real quick if you couldn’t tell from this post, I’m making my account a whole lot more organized and aesthetically pleasing because a small amount of why I haven’t been around as much is due to how unorganized I feel like… In general lmao. I’m an odd creature so doing this stuff soothes me.

Now, the real update.

As per usual, holy shit I’m going insane at this school. I’m going insane in general but god damn. I’ve been too tired to do ANYTHING and any motivation I’ve ever had has been sucked dry horrendously. It’s why I haven’t been able to post so much either, I’ve just been so stressed out. Can’t wait for the summer.

I should be able to find the time for some things at least as I’m attempting to manage myself better than I was before but it’s definitely a process. So y’all just kinda have to bear with me.

But yeah, I hate to say it, but just don’t expect frequent uploads. I wish I could stay consistent, but god is it hard.

I’ll quit my bitchin’ for today, for now, take a really stupid shitpost.

Hope y’all understand lol.



Bye y’all
